
We will never forget

Editor’s note: This column first appeared on Sept. 7, 2021, just ahead of the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2011. Sunday marked the 22nd year since the attacks. We have not forgotten.
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Help is needed

Dear Editor: My name is Melody Woodworth; I am trying to reopen the Children’s Rescue Closet. I had this place open at the same location before COVID-19 came into our homes.
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Surplus? Not really

“We don’t have a surplus when we have hungry children.” That’s a quote from Laura Kellams, Northwest Arkansas director of Arkansas Advocates for Children & Families, at a roundtable discussion last week in Berryville.
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Arkansas’ greatest resource

Today I’d like to talk about the celebration of Labor Day and the importance of our workforce. Barbecues, pool parties and parades are a common occurrence when Americans today celebrate Labor Day, but it wasn’t always about friends and families getting together for fun.
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‘We’ll be OK’

Editor’s Note: This column first appeared on March 16, 2021, a few short months after I moved to Berryville, at the one-year mark for the COVID-near pandemic. In it, I talk about my mother and her final days before she succumbed to complications from the novel coronavirus. Thursday, Sept. 1, would have been her 75th birthday. A month from now, it will be two years since I had to make the most difficult decision of my life. Even then, she guided me. Today, the pandemic continues and even as the number of active cases fall, the death toll continues to rise. Let’s all be mindful, cautious and considerate. Take care and be well.
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A shirt for a shot

Iripped my favorite shirt Friday night, but I did it while doing one of the things I love, so I guess we’ll call that a wash. I spent a couple hours in Green Forest on Friday evening, walking the sidelines at the Tigers’ football season opener, with camera — well, cameras — in hand, chasing that ever-elusive perfect shot.
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A fool’s errand

Ijumped the gun in this space a couple of weeks ago, it seems. I only thought Eureka Springs city attorney Forrest Jacobi had come to his senses regarding the city’s attempts to overcharge me for responding to a Freedom of InformationAct request.
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I didn’t go to law school

My mother wanted me to go to law school. She was probably right. She was usually right. I like to think that I could have made a decent attorney. I certainly don’t mind a good, civil argument. But I’m not sure I could have figured out a way to pay for law school, and you have to have a college degree to get into law school. And you have to actually go to class (or at least you did in the late ’80s) to get a college degree. And I was drawn to a career in newspapers.Add that all up, and here I am.
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